I'm my God, and I'm yours?
A perfectly comprehensible reason why you should get on your knees for me, just saying, just saying.
Hey there!
I’m going to talk about consciousness so don’t expect any kind of scientific, or theoretical talk because if you know anything about consciousness, you’ll know that nobody knows anything about consciousness. Consciousness is almost impossible to proof and even though there are countless theories about what consciousness even is and where it comes from, but we, as a society, have no clue where to start.
Some people believe that everybody else isn’t conscious and they are the only one that is conscious, aka solipsism which is often confused for Buddhist philosophy but there are some ideas of solipsism in Hindu train of thoughts. I think the confusion just comes from how weirdly confusing those passages are and how only some of the most confusing passages get passed around without context, long story short to me solipsism is currently boring and not interesting. At least until I need to get really self assured or get enlightened.
Panpsychism, however; is my shit. Panpsychism is the idea that everything has a mind or a mind-like feature, even that old rose toy you’re planning on using to use tonight has one, it’s probably the best lover you had anyways. Of course, that is not to say that the rose toy will start talking dirty to you because a rose toy would be classified as a microphysical entity aka it doesn’t have enough complex attributes to bring about greater forms of consciousness such as beliefs, desires and fears. It would be better to think of this consciousness like energy, everything possesses energy, the trees, the leaves, the water, the rocks, that rose toy and you but without the necessary attributes in place, the rocks can’t move themselves and the trees can’t think, but us humans have those necessary attributes so the possibilities are endless.
And you were starting to think that we shouldn’t kill animals because they were conscious, hell in panpsychism, the chair you’re sitting on would be conscious! That’s why as a person I just rate everything on a scale of consciousness otherwise there is a 0.00001% I might give a fuck.
The actual fun part of panpsychism isn’t the idea of itself but the doors it opens up, well at least for me, but before then, let’s talk about the big bang. You all know what it is, the simple theory that the universe is expanding, so if the universe is expanding there must have been a point it was so dense that it would be considered one entity. The theory that the universe was in a state of high density and temperature, I swear it was a proton when I was in high school but whatever, but let’s not forget that all matter in the universe came from that initial state, and if everything, including matter was there then it is safe to say that consciousness was there as well.
If you can see the road work I’m laying out before you, you must notice that we aren’t just talking about panpsychism anymore, we’re moving towards Pantheism now, the idea that everything in the universe must be god or divine in nature. The reason I say this because at this point if the universe at the initial state was where matter, energy and consciousness was condensed as one then what else can I call that state but god. Of course I’m not sure that if that so-called god could be classified as a macrophysical entity like humans are, for my understand we can only express our consciousness through a complex and mysterious weaving of brain matter and neurons, but who knows if consciousness can be expressed in other ways or maybe that god made a similar mechanism using it’s intense energy instead of using matter, honestly it could be anything but to me at least that makes sense.
So if the initial state is god and after that stage is us, wouldn’t we, in turn, be divine, not simply crafted in the image but truly divine in nature. You can get on your knees now by the way, I’ll accept the worship I’m divine after all, but if you want me to get on my knees, bring your mom I’ll assure I’m on my knees for her whenever she wants.
The thing is after typing that mess out, I believe in a vague abstract way this model fits solipsism, panpsychism and pantheism all in their own ways. With solipsism, the idea that you, the innate self, are the only one conscious in a way that is true because with my model everybody is a small part of a larger “self”, every thing in the system would possess conscious thus making them divine as well. Of course this all just the ramblings of a 25 year old blue collar worker without any proof but at least when it comes to the idea of consciousness, nobody knows anything about consciousness! I might worry about how my morality is affected this train of thought but honestly I’m neither poor enough, rich enough, or psycho enough to do a crime so it’s probably fine.
Hope you enjoyed the read, also follow my Insta.